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PETKUS pendulum bucket elevator

Pendulum Bucket Elevator PB

Pendulum bucket elevators combine horizontal and vertical transport in one single conveying system. The product-friendly design is specially suited for the gentle transport of seeds and similar free flowing, sensible bulk products. 

  • vertical and horizontal transport
  • flexibility through modular construction
  • individual routing with z- or c-shaped installation

The pendulum bucket elevator in detail

  1. Conveyor chains with plastic rollers reduce operational wear and noise
  2. Gentle conveying in the pendulum bucket
  3. Inlet with vibrating chute or dust flap and aspiration connection for de-dusting
  4. Durable galvanised sheet steel construction

Segregation-free, break-resistant and dust-proof transport

Service access at all corners and entry points

Compact design with flexible horizontal and vertical conveying sections

Discover the PB series


Conveying Capacity up to 7,5 t/h

Conveying Capacity up to 14 t/h

Conveying Capacity up to 25 t/h