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Innovation is our DNA.

PETKUS has always been a thinktank and can look back on a history of continuous improvement and development. Our pioneering role creates unprecedented technological progress. Innovation is the heritage of a long company tradition, it is the PETKUS DNA.

Innovations in Roeber Institute

roeber performance

Innovation trademark

Newly developed machines equipped with advanced technologies receive the trademark “roeber” in reference to our research and development facility. Roeber is a synonym for the highest quality and most user-friendly equipment within trend setting applications.

Röber Institute

PETKUS optical color sorter

Optical sorting at the highest level

Award-winning optical sorting technologies

The possibilities of our OptoSelector range include 360⁰ corncob analysis, examination of each individual kernel and the sorting of the smallest fine seeds on the market.

Optical Sorters

Seed disinfection without chemicals

The hygienisation of tomorrow

Active steam treatment as biological, all-encompassing crop protection technology

The increasing pressure to reduce and even eliminate chemicals from seed treatment processes presents many users with new challenges. Our solution is an alternative to conventional treatment. By using steam and herbal mixtures we greatly improve the quality of the seed without adding harmful chemicals.

HySeed bio

PETKUS process control and automation

Intelligent process control

Intuitive machine settings and complex process monitoring

To make conditioning even more efficient, our machines feature comprehensive technologies for intelligent process control, including sensors, cameras and operation via touch panels.

Process Automation