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Grain Port Terminals

Agricultural products rank seventh in terms of tonnage levels in maritime transport. The global importance of grain port handling is immense as it directly relates to food safety and food quality. Dependent upon port handling are technology issues associated with bulk good handling, internal transport, protection against foreign invasive species, segregation and quality assurance. A silo system alone is not complete port handling.

Appropriate technologies are essential because port silo systems are about optimisation of processes, efficient loading and unloading, mastering economics and tight time schedules. It is about solid logistical transport concepts which allow for an efficient loading and unloading as well as variable loading options that prevent congestion; optimal layout plans, reducing the time for conveying goods by use of appropriate handling, flexibility and to expand capacity and the highest degree of mechanisation.

PETKUS has a highly qualified engineering team as well as an extensive product portfolio to meet individual customer wishes and requirements. PETKUS develops innovative steel construction solutions and many advanced technological storage solutions. Including:

  • technological consultations
  • project feasibility studies
  • assistance for construction and use approvals
  • statics calculations according to EUROCODE
  • building construction, civil engineering and steel construction
  • electrical and utility planning
  • project development
  • tendering
  • procurement
  • project management
  • installation and assembly of complete conveying technology including loading/unloading equipment, measuring and sensor technology as well as ventilation and machine houses